Friday, September 20, 2013


Have you ever been stuck between two really tough, I mean really life changing, decisions? I mean talking more important than the state of the union address. That's nothing compare to this. This one decision was much more crucial than that why? Because it was about me, and it would impact the very outcome of my whole day. It had the potential, this one decision, to set my mood for the day. It had the potential, this one decision, to change how much time it took me to get to class in morning. It had the potential, this one decision, to determine whether or not my first step was with my right foot or my left. This one decision.

I know everyone has decisions like this. Things they find dear to them and that they spend more time and effort with. For me, it’s getting dressed. I spend SO much time in the morning getting dressed it’s a damn shame. And it’s not the actual act of putting the clothes on my back, no that’s not it. It’s thinking about what exactly to put. You see to me I try to think of it as an art, and I guess I use that term a little loosely. The way people perceive you will determine how they interact with you and how your relationship will go with them. It’s all about first impressions and I like to make mine worthwhile.

So I like to look some type of good when I walk out the door. I HAVE to match. Not matching is like walking around in my underwear, I just can’t have that. So my greatest decision is deciding what I’m going to wear every day. I put so much stock in that that it atleast takes like 15 min to figure it out, between my shirts, pants, socks, and my many shoes, it takes time. So tell me, how do you get through this in the morning? Let me know, leave comments.


  1. This was very funny. I like how the beginning keeps you guessing for awhile--quite anticlimactic, but a good way to do that.
    Ps. it takes me about 5 minutes to get ready in the morning, so good for you for putting in more effort.

  2. Yep, it may take a long time to make the decision in the morning.
    But I have to say, your sneakers are cool, because I am a fan of sneaker, too. But I cannot carry my sneakers to America, so they are all lying my boxes in China now.
    Can you share something about american sneaker culture with me?

  3. This was one of the topics I would never think about writing. I don't even take 30 seconds to get ready, I just grab what I see in front of me and get on with it.
