Friday, October 4, 2013

Unconscious Thoughts

It only feels fitting because we have recently been talking about reflecting in class. This idea of putting yourself back in the place of a previous experience. This idea of thinking about past times, both good and bad. This idea of reflection.

As it so happens, we actually do this daily. Yes, we do this EVERY day. When you might ask? Well the answer is so simple that it may be staring you in the face, or maybe not. It’s not when you are sitting silently in your room. It’s not when you feel angry at the world. It’s not when you feel like zoning out and displacing yourself from what’s going on around you. It’s not even when you decide to listen to your favorite song to do so. Although these things may actually play a part, big or small, in it.

The time we spend thinking, reminiscing, reflecting, is when we’re sleeping, moreover when we’re dreaming.

The body’s mind is a powerful thing and it’s always working and always processing. And a lot of this is done while you are dreaming. You’re laying down, resting, and unbeknownst to you begin to dream. Dream is in fact that time when you are reflecting. The dreams of some people are vivid and wild where they are leaping from building to building and riding boats upside down through the air while drinking a berry smoothie in their underwear. But others of them are far too clear. And you may find yourself in disbelief when it ends.

Dreams are determined by experiences but it is also more than that. What’s happening around you while you are dreaming also has an effect, which brings me to today.

I myself just awoke from a nap today and it was quite amazing, surprising even. I began of dreaming about something I would least have expected to be thinking about, my ex-girlfriend from like four years ago. Now it was never anything serious. There was never a big painful breakup or anything like that, I mean we were still friends afterwards. The powerful thing was that I thought about her, just out of the blue, now. And, it was a happy dream, I really enjoyed it.

So I sat there in my bed, doing some further conscience thinking about my dream, in silence. And as sat there seconds pasted, then minutes, then the silence. As it turns out, it was never silent. Stupid me left my phone on playing music through my speakers. I was listening to Drake. And now it all made sense.

It may not have been my most exciting blog today, but hopefully you learned something from this. And if not just make sure you remember this one fact because it soooo very true. DO NOT SLEEP AND DRAKE, OR YOU’LL FIND YOURSELF DREAMING ABOUT YOUR PAST GIRLFRIENDS.


  1. I really liked this blog. I'm obsessed with psychology and the focus on dreaming and the unconscious mind is by far my favorite part. I've actually been having many, vivid and strange dreams since coming to college and so I've thought a lot about this too!
